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Try For Just $2.99/month

Gain access to our core features below when you join during promotional seasons

Private Learning Communities

Connect with like minded individuals, participate in community discussions, share your wins, receive support from the group.

Coach Q&A Knowledgebase

Ask a question anonymously and view your coach's responses in the areas of mental health and fitness.

Access to rooms

Access all rooms ( negative thoughts, positive self talk, mental strategies, brain break, and all planned future rooms (i.e wellbeing toolbox).

Regular Pricing

Mind Mastery Coaching (Tier 1)
Mind Mastery Coaching (Tier 2)


Mind Mental Fitness + Mind Mastery Program


Affordable prices to meet your needs.


Tier 1 Features

Reward Opportunities

Participate in reward opportunities and earn points towards discounts, gifts, etc.

Access our video library to watch member only content

Receive tailored guidance from A.I. assistance to achieve your goals.

Video Library
AI Support
Tasks & Reminders

Stay on track by setting me-time appointments and task

Interactive learning games to enrich your understanding while having fun

Vote for new features and make suggestions for new content

Quiz Games
Community Voting

Tier 2

Coach Messaging

Connect with your coach through email, chat, video/audio

Receive writing assignments based on coaching videos, personalized meditations, activities, etc

Receive tailored guidance from A.I. assistance to achieve your goals.

Writing & Activities Portal
A.I. Support

Everything in Tier 1 including...

Tier 3

Personalization & Custom Request

Request personalized self talk videos

Receive writing assignments based on coaching videos, personalized meditations, activities, etc

Track your mental fitness & receive tailored guidance

1:1 Sessions (Tier 3)
Mental Fitness Habit Log (Tier 3)

Everything in Tier 1 and 2 including...

Add-On Coaching Packages

Mind Mastery Coaching (Tier 1)

1x a month coaching


Mind Mastery Coaching (Tier 2)

2x a month sessions

Mind Mental Fitness + Mind Mastery Program

4x a month sessions

Private coaching packages are sold separately. You can sign up for them now or later through your dashboard.

For a limited time offer, If you purchase a coaching package first, you will gain 3-months free access to the eLearning dashboard (first time customers only), saving you big bucks!

Invest in Yourself!

Investing in yourself is an investment in your future, happiness, peace, and greatness!” 🌟

Dashboard Features

Your emotional learning dashboard (eLearning) is your one stop shop for all things learning. We are constantly expanding and adding new features to provide you with the best experience... so you don't leave. lol 😂. Just Kiddin!

Create Tasks & Reminders

Struggle with keeping yourself accountable? Use your dashboard to create tasks and reminders for yourself.

Harness The Power Of Machine Learning

Not all robots are evil and want to take over the world, some actually do want to help! Harness our machine intelligence bot to help suggest goals, learn basic mental health definitions, practice identifying intrusive thoughts, and much more!

Quiz games are interactive quizzes that teach you about a certain topic. You play a game while you take the quiz, and each correct answer earns you points to continue.

Quiz Games Classroom
a glowing brain model sitting on top of a table
a glowing brain model sitting on top of a table
Reward Program

Reward yourself for work well done when you complete certain learning activities. Win free sessions, discounts, physical products, and much more.

brown gift box on white surface
brown gift box on white surface
Free Therapy Navigation

Access to our therapy navigation webpage & discover tools to help you find the right therapist , as well as affordable options.

We are constantly looking for ways to support you. Vote on new features and make suggestions for room contents.

New Features Voting
person holding compass selective focus photography
person holding compass selective focus photography
a black and white photo of a sign that says coming soon
a black and white photo of a sign that says coming soon